Hey, listen up. I'm talking about getting a job now.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Getting the “Job”!
You are doing your student teaching.  You are working long hard hours. I hope you are also thinking about what is going to happen next semester.  Next semester you will be looking for a job.  The time to think about that is now. 
Obviously you must do a great job this semester.  You must make a good impression on the Supervising Teacher or your Mentor.  You must make an impression on the school principal.  Believe me, they are watching-and they talk to other principals.  Make him/her your friend.  If they don’t come and observe you-have them do so before the end of your student teaching.  If you are a practicum person-make sure you do a bang up job when they observe.
Start keeping a file of cards, notes, etc., that parents have sent that compliment you on how you’ve helped their child.  School news or community news articles about your class are also great things to put into your file.  Keep information about what professional development you have attended.  All of these things are going to be helpful when you start applying for jobs.  If you are a practicum candidate, these things will help down the road-so start your file also.
Be the first to volunteer to help with school projects.  Never EVER complain. (You can complain later.)  You will have access to hear all the school/district gossip-listen carefully.  It will tell you a lot about what’s coming down the pike and how you can use that to your advantage.  Is the district building a new school?  Who is retiring at your school or other schools? 
Start becoming familiar with the Kentucky Department of Education website-it gives you a full listing of where the vacancies are in the state.  Check out the local Board of Education website.  It also has local listings.  If you become familiar with those sites now you will be one step ahead of the game when the time comes.
Most importantly always and I mean always SMILE and be POSITIVE!